About this topic
For many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people, good mental health is indicated by feeling a sense of belonging, having strong cultural identity, maintaining positive interpersonal relationships, and feeling that life has purpose and value (Dudgeon & Walker 2015; Dudgeon et al. 2014). Conversely, poor mental health can be affected by major stressors such as removal from family, incarceration, death of a close friend or family member, discrimination and unemployment, as well as stressors from everyday life (PM&C 2017; Gee et al. 2014).
The legacies of colonisation and the ongoing trauma experienced by First Nations people also affect mental health. Dispossession from land, forced removal of First Nations children from families, and institutionalised racism have enduring effects on social and emotional wellbeing (Dudgeon & Walker 2015).
Connection to mind and emotions
Connection to mind and emotions is one of the 7 domains of social and emotional wellbeing for First Nations people.
Social and emotional wellbeing is a holistic way of looking at relationships between individuals, family, kin and community in the context of land, culture, spirituality and ancestry. Cultural groups and individuals each have their own interpretation of social and emotional wellbeing (Gee et al. 2014).
Factors that support the connection to mind and emotions are education, agency and strong identity. Conversely, mental illness, development or cognitive impairments and other disability, trauma, racism and unemployment can negatively affect the connection to mind and emotions (PM&C 2017).
Good mental health is a positive state of wellbeing in which a person can manage their thoughts and feelings to cope with the normal stressors of life and reach their potential in the context of family, community, culture and broader society. Mental health problems are ‘diminished cognitive, emotional or social abilities but not to the extent that the criteria for a mental illness are met’, such as psychological distress (AIHW & NIAA 2020).
Mental illnesses are diagnosed according to criteria and range from high‑prevalence disorders such as anxiety and depression, through to low‑prevalence disorders such as psychosis, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder (AIHW & NIAA 2020).
There are cultural differences to be considered by practitioners when identifying and treating mental health conditions in First Nations people. Symptoms such as a weakened spirit and community disconnection may require cultural resolution and healing with culturally appropriate counselling services (Gee et al. 2014). Additionally, expressions and perceptions of mental health conditions such as depression may differ between First Nations people and non-Indigenous Australians (Brown et al. 2012; Vicary & Westerman 2004).
In 2020, all Australian governments and the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations worked in partnership to develop the National Agreement on Closing the Gap- external site opens in new window (the National Agreement), built around 4 Priority Reforms. The National Agreement also identifies 19 targets across 17 socioeconomic outcome areas. One of these targets directly relates to mental health, monitored annually by the Productivity Commission.
National Agreement on Closing the Gap: mental health-related targets
Outcome area 14: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enjoy high levels of social and emotional wellbeing
- Target: Significant and sustained reduction in suicide of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people towards zero (from an age-standardised rate of 25.1 per 100,000 people in 2018).
- Status: In 2022, the suicide age-standardised rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people was 29.9 per 100,000 people (for NSW, Queensland, WA, SA and the NT combined). To measure progress toward this target, a trajectory of a 75% reduction is presented on the Closing the Gap information repository. The 2022 rate is above the trajectory rate of 19.3 per 100,000 people.
Key statistics
Mental health problems and mental illness are distinct from social and emotional wellbeing problems, although they can interact and influence each other (PM&C 2017). Mental illness (mental health conditions) can still affect people who have good social and emotional wellbeing. Mental health problems are ‘diminished cognitive, emotional or social abilities but not to the extent that the criteria for a mental illness are met’, for example psychological distress (PM&C 2017). Mental health conditions are diagnosed according to certain criteria. They range from high prevalence disorders such as anxiety and depression, through to low prevalence disorders such as psychosis, schizophrenia, and bi-polar disorder.
The Indigenous Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Clearinghouse (the Clearinghouse) has used 3 social and emotional wellbeing measures – psychological distress, level of mastery and perceived social support – from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) 2018–19 to identify relationships between mental health conditions, drug and alcohol use, unfair treatment and SEWB. For more information about these scales, see the topic page on Social and emotional wellbeing.
Prevalence of mental health conditions
The data presented here is sourced from the NATSIHS 2018–19 and is for persons aged 18 and over. Estimates are calculated using a sample selected from a population rather than all members of that population. See the data tables in the Download data section for notes related to these data.
In 2018–19, over a third of First Nations people (37%) reported having a current mental health condition. The proportion was higher among females (42%) than males (30%) (Figure 1, Table MH.1). Most people who reported ever being diagnosed with a mental health condition also reported having a current condition (190,100 and 178,400, respectively) (Table MH.1).
1. Data reported for persons 18 years and over.
2. Data were collected from a survey sample and converted into estimates for the whole population. The overall coverage of the 2018–19 NATSIHS was approximately 33% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons in Australia. The survey results were weighted to the projected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population at 31 December 2018, which was 814,013.
3. Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. Discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals.
Almost a quarter of all First Nations people (24%) reported having a current, long-term mental health or behavioural condition (ABS 2019). More than one in 10 individuals reported having long-term diagnosed Anxiety (17%) or Depression (13%) (ABS 2019) (Figure 2; Table MH.2).
People aged 35–44 had the highest proportion of people reporting a current, long-term mental health or behavioural condition (32%), followed by people aged 45–54 (31%) and 25–34 (30%). It was lowest among people aged 0–14 (15%) (ABS 2019) (Table MH.3).
1. Data are presented for all ages.
2. Depression includes feeling depressed.
3. Behavioural or emotional problems includes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorders in children/adolescents and adults, other behavioural & emotional problems with usual onset in childhood/adolescence, schizophrenia related problems, intellectual impairment.
4. Other mental health conditions includes organic mental problems, other mood (affective) disorders, other anxiety related problems, psychological development problems, other mental and behavioural problems and other symptoms or signs not elsewhere classified.
5. Survey participants may report more than one mental or behavioural condition. Total mental and behavioural conditions refers to those who reported at least one mental or behavioural condition.
6. Data for males and females are from 2017–18 and 2018–19. Data for Persons are from 2018–19 only.
7. Numbers are estimates of the whole population, converted from a sample of surveyed people. The survey was benchmarked to the estimated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resident population living in private dwellings at 31 December 2018. For further information, see Estimation methods in Explanatory notes on the ABS website.
Social and emotional wellbeing and mental health
The data presented here is sourced from the NATSIHS 2018–19 and is for persons aged 18 and over. Estimates are calculated using a sample selected from a population rather than all members of that population. See the data tables in the Download data section for notes related to these data.
First Nations people ever diagnosed with a mental health condition were more likely to report High/Very high psychological distress (53%), Low mastery (49%), which is the level of control a person feels over their own life, and Low perceived social support (13%) than people without a diagnosed mental health condition (18%, 23% and 6.2%, respectively). These proportions were similar among people with a current mental health condition (Table MH.4).
Levels of social and emotional wellbeing varied by mental health condition. The proportion of people reporting Low/Moderate psychological distress was greatest among people with Depression (43%) and smallest among people with Behavioural/emotional problems (23%) (Table MH.4).
The proportion of people reporting High mastery and High perceived social support was greatest among people with Anxiety (48% and 49%, respectively). People with Harmful use/dependence on alcohol or drugs had the smallest proportions of High mastery and High perceived social support (35% and 35%, respectively) (Table MH.4).
Social and emotional wellbeing and alcohol and other drugs
The pathways between alcohol consumption and mental health and social and emotional wellbeing are complex. Harmful consumption of alcohol may cause or exacerbate mental health conditions. On the other hand, harmful levels of alcohol may be used to cope with poor mental health, as a form of self-medication (Gray et al. 2018; Nadew 2012; Wilkes et al. 2014).
The data presented here is sourced from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) 2018–19 and is for persons aged 18 and over. Estimates are calculated using a sample selected from a population rather than all members of that population. See the data tables in the Download data section for notes related to these data.
First Nations people are more likely to abstain from alcohol than non-Indigenous Australians; however, those who do drink are more likely to do so at dangerous levels (ABS 2019). The Clearinghouse has used the frequency of consuming 3 or more standard drinks in a day as a proxy for the current alcohol guidelines, released in 2020. These guidelines state that healthy adults should not consume more than 10 standard drinks per week, or more than 4 drinks in a day (NHMRC 2020).
Caution should be taken in ascribing the direction of relationships using the Clearinghouse analysis. While the analysis found associations between variables, it cannot determine the direction of the relationships nor the causal factors/variables.
Low/Moderate psychological distress was most likely to be reported by First Nations people consuming 3 or more standard drinks in a day 1 to 2 days a week, 13 to 51 times in a year and people who had Never consumed alcohol (73%, 73% and 71%, respectively). It was least likely to be reported by people consuming 3 or more drinks on 3 or more days a week (Table MH.5). The proportion of people reporting High mastery was greatest for people consuming 3 or more drinks on 1 to 2 days a week (74%) and was smallest for people drinking on 3 or more days in a week (61%) (Table MH.5).
The proportion of people reporting a mental health condition was greatest among people consuming 3 or more drinks in a day 12 or fewer times in a year (42%) or 3 or more days a week (42%) and smallest for people who reported drinking 1 to 2 days a week (28%) (Table MH.6).
High/Very high psychological distress (44%) and Low mastery (44%) were more likely to be reported by First Nations people who used substances for non-medical purposes in the last 12 months than people who did not use substances (27% and 30%, respectively). People who used substances were less likely to report High perceived social support than people who did not (52% compared with 63%) (Table MH.7). Almost half (48%) of people who reported using substances in the previous 12 months also reported having a current diagnosed mental health condition (Table MH.6).
Among people who reported using substances in previous 12 months, people who used Analgesics were most likely to report High/Very high psychological distress (62%), compared with people who used other drug types (Figure 3; Table MH.7).
1. Data are reported for persons 18 years and over.
2. Stimulants & hallucinogens includes amphetamines, ice, speed, cocaine, LSD, psyllocibin, ecstasy.
3. Cannabinoids & related drugs includes marijuana, hashish, hash resin.
4. Sedatives & hypnotics includes sleeping pills/tranquilisers for non-medical purposes, kava.
5. Analgesics includes pain killers for non-medical purposes, heroin, methodone.
6. Percentages may not sum to 100 due to confidentialisation and rounding.
7. Data were collected from a survey sample and converted into estimates for the whole population. The overall coverage of the 2018–19 NATSIHS was approximately 33% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons in Australia. The survey results were weighted to the projected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population at 31 December 2018, which was 814,013.
8. For information about the measurement of psychological distress in the NATSIHS, see Explanatory notes in the Download data tables.
Unfair treatment and mental health
Experiences of racism and racial discrimination are common for First Nations people in Australia, regardless of gender, age and geographic location. Experiences of racism among First Nations people are associated with negative impacts on mental health and wellbeing outcomes including psychological distress, stress and depression (Truong & Moore 2023).
In 2018-19, among First Nations people who had a diagnosed mental health condition, 34% experienced unfair treatment in the past 12 months, compared with less than 20% who did not have a diagnosed mental health condition (Table MH.8). Twenty-one per cent of people with a diagnosed mental health condition avoided situations due to past unfair treatment compared with 10% without a diagnosed mental health condition (Table MH.8).
Burden of disease from mental and substance use disorders
The following data was sourced from the AIHW Australian burden of disease study.
In 2018, mental and substance use disorders were the leading cause (23%) of total disease burden for First Nations people. Within this disease group, the leading causes of burden were:
- 23% Anxiety disorders
- 19% Alcohol use disorders
- 19% Depressive disorders
- 9% Drug use disorders (excluding alcohol)
- 7% Schizophrenia (AIHW 2022) (Figure 4; Table MH.9).
1. Data are reported for all ages.
2. Mental and substance use disorders encompasses a broad range of conditions including affective disorders (major depressive disorder, dysthymia and bipolar disorder), anxiety disorders, alcohol & drug use disorders, child behavioural & developmental disorders, schizophrenia, and intellectual disability.
3. Excludes suicidal behaviour, self-harm, drug poisoning and drug overdose (which are included in injuries) and dementia, a condition affecting the nervous system (which is included in neurological conditions).
Data tables
Table number and title | Source | Reference year |
Table MH.1: Presence of mental health conditions among First Nations people, by sex, 2018–19 | AIHW analysis of ABS NATSIHS | 2018–19 |
Table MH.2: Self-reported long-term mental health or behavioural condition among First Nations people, by sex, 2018–19 | ABS NATSIHS, as published in AIHW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework data tables | 2018–19 |
Table MH.3: Self-reported long-term mental health or behavioural condition among First Nations people, by age, 2018–19 | ABS NATSIHS, as published in AIHW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework data tables | 2018–19 |
Table MH.4: Social and emotional wellbeing among First Nations people, by diagnosed mental health conditions, 2018–19 | AIHW analysis of ABS NATSIHS | 2018–19 |
Table MH.5: Social and emotional wellbeing among First Nations people, by frequency of consuming 3 or more drinks in a day in the last 12 months, 2018–19 | AIHW analysis of ABS NATSIHS | 2018–19 |
Table MH.6: Presence of mental health conditions among First Nations people by substance and alcohol use, 2018–19 | AIHW analysis of ABS NATSIHS | 2018–19 |
Table MH.7: Social and emotional wellbeing among First Nations people, by substance use and type, 2018–19 |
AIHW analysis of ABS NATSIHS |
2018–19 |
Table MH.8: Unfair treatment among First Nations people, by presence of mental health conditions, 2018–19 |
AIHW analysis of ABS NATSIHS |
2018–19 |
Table MH.9: Leading causes of Mental health and substance use disorder burden (DALYs) among First Nations people, by type of disorder and sex, 2018 | AIHW Australian Burden of Disease study | 2018 |