Wellbeing not winning: Remote Indigenous identity and organised sport
DescriptionThis project examines the construction of Indigenous identity through organised sport in remote communities. Despite high profile successes of Indigenous people in elite sports, the effectiveness of relationships between remote communities and organised sport is not well understood. This project addresses the problem of how participation in organised sport affects identity and everyday life in remote Indigenous communities, both positively and negatively. The project aims to provide an understanding of the role of organised sport in Indigenous identity construction in remote Australia and thus open opportunities for equitable and reconciliatory modes of participation.
This project was funded as part of the Discovery Indigenous Scheme. -
Funding entityAustralian Research Council (ARC)
Research/evaluation entityRMIT University
Start date2015
End date2017
Released to publicYes
Report available
Research Report: Aboriginal football and the Australian game
To play Papunya: the problematic interface between a remote Aboriginal community and the organization of Australian Football in Central Australia
Beyond equality: The place of Aboriginal culture in the Australian game of football
Aboriginal football and the Australian game
Aboriginal Rules: the black history of Australian football
Cultural encounters with sporting organization: Ethico-politics at the interface of Indigenous culture and organization -
Other information
CategoriesSocial and emotional wellbeing