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Importance of land, family and culture for a good life: Remote Aboriginal people with disability and carers

  • Description
    Living in a community with family supports is important for the wellbeing, health and spirituality of Aboriginal people in the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) lands. The NPY Women’s Council are concerned that this is a significant challenge for families and carers of children with disabilities. The study explores the challenges of living in their community for very remote and remote Anangu and Yarnangu who have children with disabilities. The results will be used to propose models for supporting children with disabilities and their families and caregivers to live good lives in their communities. The outcomes will inform service redesign to allow Aboriginal people to fully benefit from the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

    This project was funded as part of the Discovery Indigenous Scheme.
  • Funding entity
    Australian Research Council (ARC)
  • Research/evaluation entity
    The University of Sydney
  • Status
  • Released to public
  • Categories
    Social and emotional wellbeing