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Assessing the nature and magnitude of health, economic and wellbeing benefits of Homeless Healthcare (HHC) services in Perth, Western Australia

  • Description
    The Homeless Health Care (HHC) Hub and Spoke model of care and ethos exemplifies many of the key elements and recommendations of the homelessness. These guidelines were developed to inform the commissioning of specialist homelessness health related services, as well as to improve access and engagement with mainstream services for people experiencing homelessness, underpinned by principles of integration and continuity of care. Whilst they were developed for the UK context, they reflect international best practice, and, with other NICE guidelines, they are internationally recognised for their robust, evidence-based recommendations.
  • Regions in scope
  • Funding entity
    Government of Western Australia Department of Health
  • Research/evaluation entity
    Home 2 Health, Institute for Health Research, The University of Notre Dame, Australia
  • Status
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Released to public
  • Categories
    Mental health, Social and emotional wellbeing